Random Thoughts, Thankfuls/Gratefulness, Uncategorized

Tuesday Thankfuls: An Explanation

Seeing as this blog has turned into mainly me posting on Tuesdays (I could give you a litany of excuses, but who wants to read that?), I figured I should at least give a little bit of a reasoning behind posting them in the first place.

I’ll be honest: they’re quick and easy to do once I’ve actually sat down to write the post. But more than that, I think they’re important. It’s important to be thankful for things in your life. It’s easy to be thankful for things like birthday presents or to appreciate big things in your life like graduation from college, but it’s important to appreciate the little things, too. (Go ahead and groan at the cliche. It’s okay, I understand. But groan and then keep reading, okay?) Appreciating everyday things like getting time to relax before bed or enjoying the great weather make living way more enjoyable. A big thing behind my blog, if you didn’t know, is learning to be more than just “alive”. I want to appreciate the life I’m living and do more with it, and appreciating things is a great way to make a mundane day not so mundane.

Posting on Tuesdays is just me getting excited about alliteration (it could just as easily be Thursdays, but whatever), and wanting to make it a once a week thing. If I decided to post “thankfuls” every day, I’d start resenting the idea of “having to be thankful”, and I’d stop posting and I’d stop taking time out, at least once a week, to really think about all the little things in a day I’ve really appreciated without consciously considering them.

So tl;dr: taking time once a week to consciously appreciate some of the little everyday things I take for granted is a great way to make me feel like I’m doing more than slogging through this life. (There’s more to living than being alive!)

Thankfuls/Gratefulness, Uncategorized

Tuesday Thankfuls

2014-04-08 16.22.45

  1. My sickness is almost gone!
  2. Last Wednesday was the first day I spotted Crocuses growing in the front yard. There are Daffodils, too. I think spring has really, actually, sprung!
  3. It was sunny today. And the weather is supposed to be really nice tomorrow, too!
  4. I had another customer at work ask me if I got my haircut and tell me that it looked nice (she, at least, looked familiar, so I’m pretty sure she’s a semi-regular). People who don’t know me well remember details about me? It’s extremely flattering!
  5. I work with really great people. I’m continually amazed at how enjoyable it is to work with most of them, and how much they make being at work feel less like being at work.
  6. I leave for State College on Friday and I am going to see so many people and I am so, so excited!!
  7. My mama and I are going geocaching again tomorrow, and we’re going after a Hunger Game series. It’ll be nice to be out in nature when it’s not like 30 degrees out, for once!
Thankfuls/Gratefulness, Uncategorized

Tuesday Thankfuls

  • No work today!
  • Snow, but just a little bit. Enough to remind us that winter can be pretty, but not enough to cover the roads (or at least not yet).
  • Delicious dinner with my mom.
  • Getting to spend time reading some posts from one of my favorite bloggers.
  • Getting enough done to feel productive without feeling resentful.
  • Fuzzy socks.
  • Getting to curl up in bed and read for the next half hour or so before bed. (:

Tuesday Thankfuls

  1. I’ve been in a writing mood all day (I wrote a blog post earlier that I will probably clean up a little and post next week when I’m back from Boston, speaking of which…)
  2. I’m going to Boston from Thursday to Sunday with my dad!
  3. And while I’m in Boston, I’m going to meet a girl I’ve known from messaging on the internet/mutually following on Tumblr for over a year, now. Because somehow, coincidentally, we’re both going to be in Boston at the same time (she’s from Texas! I’m from Pennsylvania! We’re meeting in Massachusetts?) And I am so flipping excited!
  4. And I normally try and stick with what I’m thankful for from the current day I’m writing the post, but since I’m already way off track on that this time around…yesterday morning I walked outside to clear the snow off my car (while already late to work and having forgotten that I’d have to clear the snow off my car now that I’m parking outside again), and nearly cried when I realized that my dad had cleared off my car for me before he left for work.
  5. I had a phone interview this morning for a position I’d really, really like to work in, and I think it went well!
  6. I discovered [new] music. (There are 2 bands there if you’re a link-clicker.)
  7. No work today. (For those of you questioning if I ever work…I do, I promise, I just generally have Tuesdays off.)
Thankfuls/Gratefulness, Uncategorized

Tuesday Thankfuls

  1. 60 degree weather for the first time in months! (I think it’s finally going to be spring!!)
  2. Making plans to hang out with my bff during the next couple of days, since he’s home for spring break.
  3. Eating at one of my favorite restaurants (Max and Erma’s) with my mama, and enjoying delicious food.
  4. Having a “pretty” day (you know, one of those days where you just feel good, and you feel like you look good.)
  5. Having the day off of work.
  6. Reading a lot…and having plans to read for the next hour or so before I go to sleep.
  7. Being really, really happy (warm weather does wonders to lift my mood).